Earn CPD
Clinical Officers can receive CPD credit recognized by the
Kenyan Clinical Officers Council
Sponsoring Partners

Quality content from trusted medical educators
Providing a range of continuing medical education
Hospital Support Organization (AMH-HSO) is a certified CPD provider of the Clinical Officer Council. African Mission Healthcare(AMH) is Kenya’s largest implementer of NASCOP’s National Harmonized Intensive Training Curriculum.

Spine trauma I: Anatomy and physiology of the spinal cord (1 CPD Credit)
Know the definition, cause, diagnosis, and management of Fanconi Syndrome.
Thyroid disease: Hyperthyroidism (1 CPD Credit)
Know the definition, cause, diagnosis, and management of Fanconi Syndrome.
Thyroid III- Hypothyroid Disorders (1 CPD Credit)
Know the definition, cause, diagnosis, and management of Fanconi Syndrome.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome(PCOS) (1 CPD Credit)
Know the definition, cause, diagnosis, and management of Fanconi Syndrome.
Acute Compartment syndrome-on the extremities (1 CPD Credit)
Know the definition, cause, diagnosis, and management of Fanconi Syndrome.
Endometriosis(1 CPD Credit)
Know the definition, cause, diagnosis, and management of Fanconi Syndrome.
Thyroid II (1 CPD Credit)
Know general approach to thyroid disease, understand the clinical investigation and learn the management principles.
Thyroid I (1 CPD Credit)
Understand the anatomy and physiology of the thyroid.
Modes of Mechanical Ventilation (1cpd credit)
A mechanical ventilation course introduces healthcare professionals to the principles and applications of various ventilation modes in clinical settings. It…
Pre-operative evaluation of routine surgery (1 CPD Credit)
Know to organize preoperative care, Learn surgical, medical and anesthesia aspects of assessment, Know how to optimize the patient’s condition,…
Diabetic foot ulcer(1 CPD Credit)
Know the management, complications and prevention of DM foot
Approach to a patient with DM foot ulcer (1 CPD Credit)
Know the pathophysiology, the clinical presentation and Understand the clinical evaluation of diabetic foot ulcer.
ATLS approach to a trauma victim(1 CPD Credit)
Know the three steps of the ATLS survey: primary, secondary, tertiary and the meaning of ABCDE and how to prioritize…
Alcoholic Hypoglycemia(1 CPD Credit)
Know the mechanism, clinical presentation and Understand the management of alcoholic hypoglycemia
How to approach a mental health patient (1 CPD Credit)
Know how to Identify mental health myths, how to handle a patient who presents with symptoms of mental illness and…
About the new platform
- To serve you better, we moved from our old platform to this platform.
- AMH will still be able to access your CPD credits on the old platform for reporting purposes.
- If you need to access your enrollment history, you may sign into https://medicalcpd.thinkific.com/ using your old account information.
- If you have any issues, please let us know by contacting [email protected].
How to browse courses
- Use the “Select Course Categories” drop down above the course grid to filter available COC courses.
- Click your name and/or profile picture in the top right of this page to access your account information and choose “Courses” > “My Courses”.
How to browse certificates
- Click your name and/or profile picture in the top right of this page to access your account information and choose “Courses” > “My Certificates”.
How to update user profile
- Click your name and/or profile picture in the top right of this page to access your account information and choose “Profile” > “Edit” or “Account” > “Login Information” to update your email.